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March Reading Wrap Up

March Reading Wrap Up

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I’m not really sure I believe it’s April already. I feel like the fact that it is April is one big April Fool’s joke. Where did March go? And when the heck is spring weather going to arrive?

This in-between time when it is not quite spring but not quite winter is never a fun place to be. Coupled with a book I really could not get into, I went into a major reading slump this month. But life moves on, and I am happily reading again. So, let’s get on with the business of wrapping up what I read in March and the progress I made on my 2022 Pop Sugar Reading challenge. Here’s where I stood at the end of February:

Book 1: The City We Became by N.K Jemisin*
Prompt Attempted: A social horror
My thoughts: I really, really tried with this one. But I could not get into it. This book was breaking my spirt and I had to give myself permission to put it down at the 40% mark. Published in 2020, this book is the first in a series about cities that come to live through avatars - humans who embody the city. Something about the writing just did not jive with me. I went back to the drawing board. I couldn’t find a solid definition of a social horror book . There is a Listopia on Good Reads but it was pretty short in comparison to the lists for other prompts. So, I am calling it quits. It’s not worth being in a grumpy reading mood about. If you are looking for a social horror, I personally would recommend The Power by Naomi Alderman*.
Did it complete the prompt?: I felt like it was more of an urban fantasy than a social horror (whatever that term means). Either way, I tried. And I’m counting it.

Book 2: One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle*
Prompt Attempted: A book about a secret
My thoughts: I absolutely loved this one and it brought be back to life after The City We Became. Katy just lost her mother and is feeling like the rug has been pulled out from under her. To regain her footing, she decides to take the Italian summer vacation she had booked with her mom alone. She arrives in Italy to escape her grief only to find her mom’s presences everywhere. But did she know her mom as well as she believed she did?

Did it complete the prompt? Yes -I won’t spoil it but lots of secrets.

Book 3: King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo *
Prompt Attempted: A duology (1 of 2)
My thoughts: I love the Grishaverse and was more than happy to step back into the comfort of old friends after earlier reading disasters this month. I read all of the Shadow and Bones trilogy and the Six of Crows duology last year and loved every second of it. When I realized there was more of this world to explore, I was thrilled. When I realized that two of my favorite characters, Nina and Nickoli, were central to this duology, I knew I was in for a great experience. If you like fantasy, you need to be reading Leigh Bardugo. She does it so well.
Did it complete the prompt?: Yes, King of Scars is part of a duology.

2022 PopSugar Reading Challenge - March Update

This brings my total to 10 books finished for the year and 1 DNF. I think I will replace The City We Became with another book to keep my yearly total at 50 books or maybe I’ll be in a more patient mood and come back to it later. Either way, I’m hoping April is a much better reading month.

Let me know what you read in March or what you plan to pick up in April

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February Reading Wrap Up

February Reading Wrap Up